
I am a Neutrino Theory Network postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University working on particle phyics phenomenology. I was previously a postdoctoral researcher with a joint appointment at the Perimeter Institute in Canada and the University of Minnesota, and earned my Ph.D. in 2019 at the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, part of Durham University, in the United Kingdom.

My research focuses on theoretical and phenomenological aspects of neutrino, dark matter, and beyond-the-Standard Model physics. I work closely with experimentalists to devise new strategies in the search for new rare phenomena and new particles. Discoveries in this field would help us to make sense of the patterns we observe in fundamental interactions and particle masses, the origin of dark matter, and the cosmological evolution of our universe.

New group at the University of Iowa

In the Fall of 2025, I will start as an Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City. The University has a strong research program in Physics and Astronomy and it's conveniently located within a three-hour drive of Fermilab, where several neutrino experiments are currently in operation.

Postdoctoral Researcher Opportunity

We have an opening for a postdoctoral position in neutrinos, dark matter, and beyond-the-Standard-Model physics with a start date of 2025. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply here.

Opportunities for Students

Graduate and undergraduate students interested in particle physics phenomenology are encouraged to get in contact for research opportunities. Prospective students can find more details about the U. of Iowa Ph.D program here.